Please request your access at RACE DATA.

PlaceMiddle distanceONS
1 France 23,5
2 Switzerland 16,8
3 Germany 14,4

1 Czech Republik  27,1
2 Germany 26,6
3 France 26,1
4 Poland 23,6
5 Netherlands 22,7
6 Switzerland 21,5
7 Belgium 19,2
8 Austria 17,9
9 Liechtenstein 15,6
10 Russia 13,5
11 Slowakia 13,2
12 Italy 9,8
Hits: 3977
Limit only for SPRINT RACE. No limit on DISTANCE RACE.

Annex II to WSA Racerules vers. en 14.2

No limitations for DISTANCE RACES.

Registration Grid:
Number of Mushers in the OrganizationNumber of Starters
Bis zu 49 mushers 11
50 - 199 mushers 17
200 - 499 mushers 23
500 - 999 mushers 28
1000+ mushers 33
This leads to following starters as per current members
VDSV   Germany 501 Musher 28 starters
FFST   France 429 Musher 23 starters
SPHK   Sweden 350 Musher 23 starters
SSV   Switzerland I 340 Musher 23 starters
CONCORD   Russia 320 Musher 23 starters
PASS   Poland 290 Musher 23 starters
RSSC   Austria 212 Musher 23 starters
SDAS   Scotland 212 Musher 23 starters
MCS   Switzerland II 140 Musher 17 starters
GSA   Italy I 120 Musher 17 starters
SZPZ   Slovakia II 116 Musher 17 starters
MBEL   Belgium 110 Musher 17 starters
ASKINO   Slovakia I 100 Musher 17 starters
LSCST   Italy II 40 Musher 11 starters
SVL   Lichtenstein 26 Musher 11 starters
SAFSS   South Africa
21 Musher 11 starters
DSO   Netherlands 17 Musher 11 starters
RFEDI   Spain 15 Musher 11 starters
BESKYD MUSHERS   Czech Republic 15 Musher 11 starters
AMWA   Great Britain
15 Musher 11 starters
SDNZ   New Zealand
8 Musher 11 starters
ANDORRA M.   Andorra 7 Musher 11 starters
All current WSA Champions are entiteled to start, however must be registered by their respective national
organization. Those starters as well as juniors will not count towards the national contingent.
In addition the WSA-Board (Sport Director) may issue so-called “wild cards” for:
- Guests of the WSA, not conflicting with national interests,
- To the WSA-Organizing committee members. Those starters will not be part of any national team and
therefore cannot become a WSA-Champion.
Attention: Consider the effecitive EUROCUPRULES/Qualifications are possible without stressing the national contingents.

All annual fees due must be paid prior participating in the Championship.

For sporting and/or organisational reasons the national quotas can be reduced in an equitable manner by the WSA Board. The total number of starters should not exceed 250. 

September 2014
Hits: 18106

World Sled-Dog Association


-        WSA –


Statutes of the

World Sled-Dog Association –WSA- e.V.

vers. 12.2.


(founded 1995)

Background:   -  revised and overhauled  September 2010

                        -  agreed on 11.12.2010 during members’ meeting

                        -  altered on 03.09.2011 during members’ meeting

                        -  altered on 22.09.2012 during members’ meeting

                        - altered on 20.09.2014 during members’ meeting

                          (Basic Principles §4 / Notice of a General Assembly / Proposals §13)






1. General Part

      § 1  -  Name, Domicile and Function
      § 2  -  Purpose/Aim
      § 3  -  Functions
      § 4  -  Basic Principles 
      § 5  -  Financial Year
      § 6  -  Bodies of the Association


2. Membership

     § 7  -  Members’ Attributes

     § 8  -  Obtaining Membership/Status of Affiliation

     § 9  -  Termination of Membership / Status of Affiliation

     § 10 – Membership and Subscription Fees

     § 11 -  Rights and Obligations of Members


3. General Assembly   

     § 12 -  General Assembly 

     § 13 -  Notice of a General Assembly / Proposals


4. Conduct of Business / General and Basic Principles

     § 14 – Executive Committee / Extended Board

     § 15 – Decisions by the Executive Committee

     § 16 – Proposals, Priority Proposals, Voting Rights, Decision Making Capacity                

     § 17 – Decisions

     § 18 – Function of Members within WSA

     § 19 – General and Basic financial Principles

     § 20 – Control of the Financial Accounts


 5. Penalties / Disciplinary Measures / Procedure Rules

     § 21 – Association Penalties

     § 22 – Procedure Rules         


 6. Dissolution

     § 23 – Dissolution  of the Association



The World Sled Dog Association WSA unites all international federations, associations, organisations (the members) which support racing sport with sled dogs, whereby WSA events can only take place with sled dog breeds that have been recognised as such and approved as such by the International Cynological Federation F.C.I.  In its capacity as an important and well regarded organisation of such members it is the aim of the WSA to encourage a common and unified development/support of sled dogs. The autonomy of its members is guaranteed.

The member associations of WSA can only enter and send members to championships/competitions of the WSA which are of the same nationality as the member association itself or members with the same first residence in the same country as the member association. The entered candidate, however, has to have had his/her first residence in the applying country for at least 12 months.

Members of other organisations are allowed to participate in WSA events if they have been nominated by their national WSA association.

It is intended to submit this Statute to the Olympic Committee in Lausanne.

WSA and its members commit to cooperate in a trustworthy manner with the corresponding breeders’ associations of the various countries.

The official WSA languages are English and German. In the case of disputes only the German versions of
the statutes and rules are valid. As a basic rule, meetings of the Association are to be held in such WSA
language acceptable to all participants.


§ 1    Name, Domicile, Function

  1. The Association has the name ‘World Sled Dog Association e.V., short WSA. WSA was founded in 1995 and is registered under No. VR 479 in the Court of Registration of the Amtsgericht in 74722 Buchen.
  2. The Association has its domicile in 74722 Buchen, Germany.
  3. The field of activity reaches over the whole world and to countries, which do not inhibit free transit and people’s liberty.




§ 2   Purpose/Aim


  1. The aim of the Association is the practice and development of the sled dog        racing sport with sled dog breeds approved by the F.C.I. as follows:

- Siberian Husky

- Alaskan Malamute

- Greenland hound (dog)

- Samoyede


2.         The Association is exclusively and directly a charitable (non-profit making) organisation in the context of legislation for tax exemption.

            The purpose of the statute is realised especially through the development and organisation of events of international sled dog racing competitions according to section 1 and with the means and tasks of § 3. The Association is non-profit making; it does not pursue any financial benefit. The means of the Association are only to be used for the purposes detailed in the Statute. Members do not receive remuneration out of the means of the Association. No person is to be favoured with expenses which are contrary to the purpose of the Association, or by unreasonably high compensation.

            All positions within the Association are held on an honorary basis.  

            Members of the Board can for board related activities receive a total of Euros 50 per year – this has to be determined at the members’ meeting. The actual internal WSA regulation of cost is valid for all other expenditure.


3.         Excluded or retired members have no entitlement to the assets of the Association.   


  1. The Association can become a member of other federations or organisations in order to realise its goals.



§ 3   Functions


The functions of the Association are:


1.         The organisation and conduct of World- and European Championships or        other international competitions in cooperation with a national WSA                                                        Association or another international organisation. Such location or country should vary from year to year within the federation.                                                                                             

2.        The harmonisation and coordination of time tables for international Sled Dog races as well as competitions, championships, cup events or other international challenges in cooperation with and amongst the members.                

3.         The harmonisation of the race rules in all member countries and control of their application, in addition to the observation of these rules by the members and their sled dog racers.


4.         The support of the members in their efforts to develop the sled dog racing sport in their countries.


  1. The observation of laws and orders for the protection of animal rights and for the prevention of maltreatment of the animals as far as these laws and orders relate to the goals of the Association.


  1. Representation and development of sled dog racing sport, together with the          members, vis a vis national and international authorities and especially the               I.O.C.


  1. Development of cooperation between the members and friendly relationships amongst them.


  1. The provision of good communication and information of the WSA and its members by providing an up to date Website/Homepage.




§ 4   Basic Principles


WSA and its members are encouraged to adhere to the following basic principles:  


  1. Sled dog races according to the statutes of the WSA are only to be held                  with pedigree sled dogs in accordance with F.C.I. rules and regulations      .
  2.  The fundamental principles of amateur sport and fair play have to be observed and adhered to at all times.
  3. WSA and its members guarantee to observe the rules of international federations for the prevention of maltreatment of animals.
  4. The following grades and categories are fixed for reasons of sport specific registration:

Category 1 = Siberian Husky

Category 2 = Alaskan Malamute, Greenlandhound, Samoyede

Grades =  UL, 8,6,4,2, SM, SW, SJM, SJW, MD (middle Distance, D (long Distance)

  1. Cooperation with the respective breeders’ associations in the various                           countries as well as the F.C.I.



§  5   Business Year


The business year starts on 1st April and ends on 31st March of the following year.



§  6  Bodies of the Association


Bodies of the Association are:


  1. The meeting of the members – General Assembly/GA
  2. The Board


The supreme body of the Association is the General Assembly/GA. The Association is led and managed by an executive body (the Board) which is made up as follows:

-          Chairman

-          Vice Chairman

-          Director Sport

-          Secretary

-          Treasurer

The Board members are elected by the General Assembly for a period of 3 years.  Within this body or when decision making during the General Assembly/GA every Board member has one vote. This vote is valid independent of the fact that a board member might also be a delegate of his/her national association. A board member or a delegate can have a maximum two (2) votes. In the event of a tie the vote of the Chairman is decisive. The transfer of a right to vote beyond a national association is not allowed. The members of the Extended Board, the technical directors (Director Sprint/Director Distance/Director Skijoering-Pulka/Director Off Snow Director Public Relations/Webmaster) and the Association’s Vet/Anti-Doping Representative, are also openly elected for a period of 3 years and also have the right to vote. The members of the Extended Board each have only 1 vote even if they fulfil more than one function. More than 2 functions are not allowed.


The Race Directors’ Committee, which consist of the Sport Director and 2 elected WSA race judges, is the supreme jurisdictional body in all race sport related matters as far as WSA events are concerned. This is due for participants, Race Directors and/or race judges as well as their decisions. The members of the race directors’ committee should be from 3 different nations. The Chairman or the Vice Chairman of the WSA will cover this position in individual cases should one of these committee members be directly involved. The members of the Race Directors’ Committee are openly elected for a period of 3 years.


The auditors are openly elected for a period of 2 years. The accounts of the Association are to be audited after the close of the business year by the auditors. The audit includes the examination of potential balance sheet obligations requiring adherence to taxation laws.




§  7   Members’ Attributes


  1. The national Sport Associations with pedigree sled dogs in accordance with F.C.I. can become members of WSA.
  2. Each country can only be represented by 1 (one) member federation or organisation. Such an organisation is to unite under its umbrella all national clubs and organisations which develop and support sled dog sport with pedigree sled dogs in accordance with F.C.I. Membership of more than one organisation per country is possible if this is deemed to be necessary due to language, historical or sport-related reasons. Such a regulation has to be confirmed by vote in the General Assembly (GA).
  3. Organisations or federations which are interested in races with pedigree sled dogs can acquire associate status. Associate members have no voting right and individual members do not automatically have the right to participate in WSA races. The inclusion of such associate members can be approved by the Board. Final inclusion of such members has to be confirmed by the General Assembly.
  4. Civil Rights Organisations can also become members of the WSA.
  5. Organisations, Federations and Individuals cannot become members if they are members of organisations who conduct sled dog races not in accordance with the F.C.I. – definition pedigree sled dogs. This is not so for organisations which are members of an association in which WSA is also a member.
  6. Individuals can receive associate member status which enables them to take part in WSA events. Such individual membership, however, is only possible for sled dog racing competitors from countries which do not have a federation or organisation with membership of WSA. Such members do not have the right to vote. Individual members only gain associate membership if two thirds of the votes in the General Assembly (GA) are in favour of such a membership and if there is no more than 1 (one) vote by the Board of the WSA against such membership.
  7. Such members of organisations who are in direct competition to WSA (in an organisational and/or administrative capacity in respect to WSA’s aims and objectives) cannot become full members of WSA. Also, these racing competitors cannot obtain WSA titles. Exceptions, which serve and develop solely and directly the sport competition of all members of international organisations, can be granted.
  8. WSA can grant honorary membership to persons or organisations who have rendered outstanding services to the objectives of WSA. Honorary membership has to be decided by a two thirds (2/3) majority of the GA.



§  8    Obtaining Membership and Status of Affiliation


Application for membership is to be submitted to the chairman of the WSA in form of a participation declaration. The following documents are to be submitted together with the application:


-          Recognition of and agreement to the effective/valid WSA Statute

-          A declaration regarding the willingness to participate in WSA events

-          An authenticated copy of the entry at the local court registry together with an authenticated copy of the effective/valid statute

-          A list of the members of the executive body, a list of member clubs and/or the individual members

-          A list of the names of at least 5 active racing competitors (4 snow races in one season) including the race results

-          An individual person who wants to become a member has to submit a corresponding application to the chairman


It is essential for federations and organisations who want to obtain membership of the WSA to pursue identical objectives in the direction of aforementioned §  2 to 4. The General Assembly (GA) decides by a vote of majority the admission into the Association. The criteria regarding the vote for individual membership are listed in § 7.6.




§  9   Termination of Membership and Status of Affiliation


  1. Membership is terminated either by resignation, exclusion or winding up of the member organisation.
  2. A member can leave the Association at the end of every business year. The Chairman has to receive written notification to this effect at the latest 3 months before the end of the business year. The exit of a member from the WSA is confirmed in writing.
  3. The exclusion of a member can occur on the basis of a board resolution and especially for the following reasons:


    1. due to violation or non-compliance of the rules or the statutes of the Association
    2. due to breach or violation of agreements or resolutions of WSA
    3. due to violation of the documented basics of sporting behaviour, the interests of the Association or because of incorrect behaviour in connection with animal rights
    4. due to membership of another sled dog federation which is not in unison with F.C.I.
    5. Individual members of national associations can be excluded and/or banned from WSA events for gross unsportsmanlike behaviour for up to 2 years.


The decision regarding the exclusion/ban will be submitted for ratification to the next General Assembly. These exclusion procedures can be initiated by a Board decision or in connection with a justified request of a member of the Association. For the exclusion a two thirds (2/3) majority of the Board is needed in favour of the exclusion. The excluded member can oppose/protest this decision with the Board within 4 weeks of the exclusion being served. After protest, the Board must adhere to the following:


  • the exclusion decision has to be submitted to the next General Assembly for discussion and decision. In this case the member to be excluded has all rights and obligations which are basic to this Statute.
  • The member concerned has to be suspended until the next General Assembly. The GA then votes regarding the exclusion of the member and the majority vote is decisive.
  • During the suspension period/temporary ban the respective member is not entitled to take part in any WSA event or to vote in a WSA resolution. The exception is the vote concerning the members own exclusion/ban in the General Assembly.
  • Every member of the WSA body which belongs to the federation of a suspended member will also be suspended from the position within the WSA body.


  1. Member status is cancelled by the Board in the following cases:


    1. If the Federation or Organisation is revoked or dissolved.
    2. If a public authority has stripped a Federation or Organisation of legal responsibilities and/or competence.


The loss of membership status does not forego the fulfilment of demands and obligations which have not yet been met at that point in time vis a vis the Association. The legal successors have to meet all the demands and obligations vis a vis the Association which have not been met prior to the loss of membership.




§ 10   Membership and Subscription Fees


  1. As soon as membership formalities have been concluded, members have to pay  membership contributions as determined by the General Assembly. The Amount to be paid for membership is determined as follows:


    1. Member federations or member associations pay 1 (one) Euro for every member of the federation; subject to a minimum of 70 (seventy) Euros for up to 100 members.
    2. Individual members and Associate Members pay a subscription fee of 50 (fifty) Euros.
    3. Honorary members do not pay a contribution.
    4. A musher participating in a WSA event and not nominated by a national association, has to pay a higher entry fee. The difference in the amount is for the account of WSA. Details are to be agreed with the respective event organisers.


  1. Members have to pay membership fees of the Association annually. The amount is determined by the General Assembly.


3.         Members are legally responsible for the payment of possible membership taxation amounts.


4.         Such members who do not meet their financial obligations in time automatically lose their rights to vote.



§  11   Rights and Obligations of Members


  1. All member organisations have the same rights and obligations.


  1. Members can according to agreements and regulations use all facilities belonging to the association and can participate in all events.


  1. Members agree to observe the following rules:


-          Sled dog races can only be conducted with pedigree sled dogs which have the appropriate documentation/family tree from the F.C.I. or from a breeder recognised by the F.C.I.

-          Members can participate in WSA events in accordance with regulations and conditions laid down for such an event.

-          Members have to breed and train the dogs in a respectful manner and have to act in accordance with the regulations of international animal protection organisations.

-          During events they have to behave in a friendly manner and appear according to fair-play criteria.

-          They have to promote the objectives of the Association in the general interest.

-          They have to meet their payment obligations to the Association and have to keep the Association updated as to the actual number of individual members within the organisation.

-          They have to pass on all WSA information related to membership status, promptly and in writing to individual members. This information is also to be made public on the WSA website.





§ 12   The General Assembly (GA)


  1. The General Assembly (GA) consists of representatives from the member federations and member organisations. These delegates are elected and sent by their respective associations. A transfer of voting rights is permissible within the underlying guidelines. The GA is the decisive body of the Association. The General Assembly can make decisions without consideration for the actual number of participants.


2.   These members have such voting rights corresponding to the number of members in their respective countries. These voting rights are as follows:


      - Members with less than 100 people                        -           1 vote

      - Members with 101 to 500 people                -           2 votes

      - Members with 501 to 800 people                -           4 votes

      - every further 100 people over 800 people   -           1 vote (starting at 900)


3.   The GA is chaired by the Chairman, or in his absence the Vice Chairman or another member of the inner Board. The Assembly determines the chair if no Board member is present. During elections the GA chair has to be handed to an election committee for the duration of the election and temporary discussion. The election committee consists of 2 people. This committee takes over the chair of the GA until the Chairman is elected and supervises the secret election of the Board.



§ 13   Notice of a General Assembly / Proposals


  1. The regular General Assembly/GA takes place once a year – preferably in June/July. The latest date is the month of September. The GA is called by the Chairman. The notice has to be in writing and has to be made public on the WSA website accordingly.
  2. An Extraordinary General Assembly of the Association has to be called when a minimum of 50% of members of the GA or  2/5 of the member Federations apply for such an Assembly. Such an application has to be submitted in writing to the Chairman clearly detailing the reasons for such an Extraordinary General Assembly. The Chairman is obliged to inform all Chair persons of the member associations and organisations of such an application.
  3. The calling of an Extraordinary General Assembly has to take place at least 6 (six) weeks prior to the commencement of the General Assembly. During this time, until publication of the agenda, members have the opportunity to make proposals to the GA.
  4. The agenda points to be dealt with during the General Assembly have to be published on the WSA website at least 3 (three) weeks prior to the commencement of the General Assembly and the member associations have to be informed of such an event in writing.
  5. During the Assembly the Board can still introduce urgent proposals, the acceptance of which has to be decided by the General Assembly. The General Assembly also decides over additions to the agenda which were initiated at the Members’ meeting. For the acceptance of such proposal a majority of 2/3 of the rendered valid votes is required.
  6. Proposals for alteration of the Statutes cannot be made during the General Assembly.
  7. Alteration to the Statutes, proposals for alteration to the established rules and regulations of the Association as well as alteration to the amount of membership contribution are only possible if members have been issued, together with the agenda, the text of the newly proposed alteration to the Statutes and the text for the alteration to the established rules as well as the newly proposed amount of membership contribution.     




§ 14   The Executive Committee/ Extended Board


  1. The statutory Board (§ 26 Abs. 1BGB) consists of:


-          Chairman

-          Vice Chairman

-          Director of Sport

-          Secretary

-          Treasurer


  1. The Board represents the Association in and out of court (§ 26 BGB). Each member of the Board is entitled to be a sole representative of the Association. The election of the Statutory Board takes place through a secret ballot. The positions of the Extended Board are elected in an open ballot (show of hands). A secret ballot is possible upon request. If requested the voting cards can be destroyed.


  1. Internally the only people who can act are the Vice Chairman if the Chairman is unavailable, the Director of Sport if the Vice Chairman is unavailable, the Secretary if the Director of Sport is unavailable and the Treasurer only if all the other members of the Statutory Board are unavailable.  All positions can be taken in connection with any other position within the Board.


  1. A member of the Extended Board can keep his/her position in the committee even if he/she is not a delegate of the national organisation. In the event that a national organisation is excluded from WSA the respective members of the Extended Board have to withdraw from the Board within one week of the exclusion of their organisation.


  1. The Executive Committee/Board is entitled to take legally binding decisions as long as at least 3 committee members are present. These decisions have to be unanimous.


  1. If one member of the Extended Board resigns and gives up his/her function during the mandate, the Extended Board can elect a successor up until the next General Assembly. Such election has to be confirmed in the next General Assembly and is restricted to the mandate of the member who resigned.


  1. The Chairman manages, runs and administers matters of business interest.


  1. The Chairman summons the Extended Board once a year. Such a meeting should be held in connection with activities or events. All decisions taken during such a meeting have to be submitted to the General Assembly for approval.


  1. Minutes are taken of such meetings and decisions of the Association Bodies. Such minutes have to be signed by the Chairman and have to be archived in the business domicile.


  1. The Board can invite potential new members to every event. Such a member, however, cannot obtain an international title, but, nevertheless, such a potential new member can win an event. Exceptions hereby are the Associate individual members. Such individual members can win an event and gain the respective title.


  1. Members of the Board have the right of access and participation in all gatherings or meetings of member federations or member organisations.   


§ 15            Decisions by the Executive Committee/Board/Extended Board


  1. The Board is the highest body of the Association. It decides in all matters, as long as the decision making falls in its areas of responsibility and not in that of the General Assembly/GA. The Board and/or other authorised WSA bodies should/can make their decisions by utilising modern means of communication (preferably email). The reports of the decision making (e-mails) are to be kept by the respective responsible person (internal business distributor).


2.   The Board represents the Association vis a vis other authorities and vis a vis the  public.


3.   The Board can decide over a temporary associate membership as well as over other matters until a final decision is taken by the General Assembly/GA.


4.   The Extended Board supervises all WSA events.  A WSA race order is to be  published and also to be placed on the WSA website.


5.   The decisions of the Board and of the Extended Board adhere to the principle of majority with the exception of disqualification/exclusion rules in accordance with § 9 of this Statute.



§ 16   Proposals, Priority Proposals, Voting Rights,

Decision Making Capacity


  1. All members possess equal proposal rights in accordance with the underlying Statute.


  1. All proposals have to be made in writing latest 4 (four) weeks before the start of the General Assembly/GA to the Chairman and the business domicile. They have to be submitted in English and German, but in case of disputes only the German versions are valid.


  1. All proposals which have not been submitted in time and proposals which result from a GA shall be considered as priority proposals. Such a priority proposal can only be voted upon if a majority of the GA decides to vote. Priority proposals aiming to dissolve an association or containing an alteration of the Statute are not permitted.


  1. The General Assembly which is called/convened in accordance with the statute is entitled to take legally binding decisions, regardless of how many members with voting rights are present.



§ 17   Decisions


  1. In the event of elections or proposals the General Assembly decides on the basis of the majority of rendered Yes and No votes. In the event of a tied-vote the Chairman has a casting vote.


  1. Any alteration to the Statute, alterations of the aims and purposes of the WSA and/or their dissolution require a qualified majority of 2/3 of the legally binding casted votes.




§ 18   Function of Members within the WSA


  1. Member federations and organisations are run and managed in accordance with their own statutes as long as these statutes do not contradict those of the WSA.


2.   Members manage and run their own business affairs self-sufficiently and in accordance with their respective function.



§ 19  General and Basic Financial Principles


  1. The Association designs and manages its budget in order to guarantee the realisation of its tasks.         


  1. All assets resulting from this budget together with all possible surpluses can only be utilised in accordance with the Statute.


  1. The Treasurer has to present to the General Assembly each year a balanced budget relating to income and expenditure.


  1. In the event that additional income or expenditure cannot be balanced within the total budget, the Treasurer presents to the General Assembly/GA a supplementary budget.


  1. All budgets have to be sanctioned by the GA.


  1. The Treasurer prepares annually a profit and loss account together with a balance sheet both of which have to be presented to the GA for approval.


  1.  The year end report and financial year end report are submitted to the General Assembly/GA for approval.           



§ 20  Control of the Financial Accounts


  1. The management of the business affairs of the Association are audited at the end of the business year and before the start of the General Assembly/GA by 2 (two) auditors. These auditors prepare a report on the audit of the financial year end, and on income and expenditure as well as on the budget situation. This report is to be submitted by the auditors to the GA. This report and the budget report by the Treasurer have to be approved by the General Assembly/GA. Only after such approval/ratification can the Executive Committee be discharged.


  1. The auditors are elected by the General Assembly/GA for a period of 2 (two) years.  Re-election is possible.




§ 21  Disciplinary Actions of the Association


  1. WSA is entitled to take action against members and impose disciplinary actions within the Association if member organisations or their individual members do not respect the aims and common interests of the Association or because they violate or ignore the Statute, rules or agreements of the Association (see also § 9 of this Statute).


  1. WSA can impose the following disciplinary actions:


    • Warning with financial penalty
    • Reprimand/caution with financial penalty
    • Exclusion
    • Dismissal from a function
    • Exclusion and/or banning of an organisation or of individual members of such an organisation from WSA events for a period of up to 24 months.
    • Suspension of a member. For suspended members see the rules and        regulations outlined in § 9.


  1. The GA is responsible for the handling and imposing of such disciplinary actions within the Association. Disciplinary Actions are at first ordered by the Board in conjunction with the Race Judge Committee. They have to be, however, dealt with and confirmed at the next GA. Vetos against a preliminary order have no delaying effect. The decision of the GA is final.


  1. The amount of the financial penalty is a minimum of 50 Euros with a maximum of 1000 Euros.


  1. An exclusion can occur in particular:


  • In case of harm to the good reputation and harm to the aims of the Association
  • In case of serious and permanent ignoring or violation of the Statute of the Association as well as their agreements, decisions and/or rules.
  • In case of an insult to members or honorary responsibly active officials/functionaries of WSA
  • In case of unreasonable conduct not corresponding to the principle of fair play resulting from an event and/or at events which are organised by other organisations and through which WSA can be discredited.



§ 22  Procedure Rules


  1. If proceedings have been initiated, the accusations have to be submitted in writing to the accused. The accused can respond to those accusations in writing within 4 weeks. In case of a non-receipt of a response it is assumed that the accused does not want to respond to the accusation.


  1. The proceeding has to be kept secret until its final conclusion. A proceedings file has to be established. Only general information is admitted which can be published exclusively and in agreement with the Chairman and Vice Chairman.


  1. The proceeding is to be conducted in writing only until the next GA. The accused can apply for a verbal hearing in this GA. The costs arising from such an event to the accused are to be borne by the accused him/herself.


  1. Decisions concerning the implementation of disciplinary actions are to be made according to the usual principle of majority voting. The voting in the GA is to be secret and the result is to be communicated to the accused.


  1. At the latest 2 weeks after the GA the accused will receive information in writing as to what the disciplinary action against him/her will be, and what reasons have led to such action. The proceeding is henceforth concluded.




§23    Dissolution of the Association


  1. The Association can only be dissolved through a resolution, which has been passed during a GA when at least ¾ of the members including the members of the Extended Board are present and, in accordance with the Statute, have the right to vote.  A dissolution of the Association needs a 2/3 (two thirds) majority resolution.


  1. After the dissolution, the Board has to conclude the current business affairs.


  1. The GA decides at the same time with simple majority voting how to dispose of Association assets.


  1. When the Association is dissolved or annulled or in the event of the decline of favourable tax benefits the assets of the Association fall to a body of public right or to a tax privileged body for charitable use for animal protection.



22th September 2014

Arno Steichler, Chairman WSA





Hits: 183798



Version: 2.15 Date: 22.09.2014



These racing rules are valid for all WSA and WSA sanctioned racing events.

The rules will supersede any national race rules as long as it comes to international WSA races. In case of discrepancy between general rules and special rules, the special rule shall prevail. Any aspect of national and international animal rights must be observed and the WSA Executive Board has any and all rights to disqualify a team from an event in case said animal rights are not observed.

Inspection of the trail must be permitted for the mushers. However such inspection is only possible on cross country skis and in the time period advised by the race marshal. No dogs are allowed on the trail during such inspection.

Unless otherwise announced, private motor sleds are not permitted on the trail at all times.

Race marshal and all other officials shall act against any and all teams in the same sporting and fair manner.

A musher may start for the country of which he/she holds a valid passport or in which he/she has his/her prime place of residence for at least 12 months.

The musher may not change the country for which he/she starts within the racing season.

Start sequence of the classes and other race organizational matters are under control of the race-giving organization and the race marshal. There is no mandatory requirement to alter the race time schedule or sequence to meet any particular musher’s need.

All membership and starting fees have to be paid in full prior to a Championship event to make a starter from any given member organization eligible to start in the event.

WSA titles are awarded in the respective classes when at least five competitors participate in the first heat of a championships. (Exceptions are possible in junior classes)
Dogs may only be used in one class.
National Championships of our member clubs must not clash with the dates set for WSA Championships.
Helmets are mandatory in all junior classes and categories.
In case of differences in interpretation the German original version of the WSA Race Rules shall apply.


CHAPTER 1, GENERAL RULES (applies to all styles and classes) 2

CHAPTER 2, Special rules for Nome-style 4

CHAPTER 3, Special rules for Pulka-style 5

CHAPTER 4, Special rules for Ski-joring, 6

CHAPTER 5, Special rules for Distance races, 7

CHAPTER 6, Special rules for Stage races, 8


General; Definitions, Administration 10

Rules Enforcement, Eligibility 11

Start & Finish rules 11

Team Regulations 12

The Trail 13

CHAPTER 8, Guidelines for rules enforcing Officers, 15

CHAPTER 9, Anti-doping Regulations 16

Chapter 10, Modalities 16


It is recommended that each national organization translate these race rules into the

respective national language to assure the full understanding by all mushers.


Total: 19 pages  and    3 Annexes                    1 Racejudge Regulation

                                                                             2 National Contingent

                                                                              3 Cart race regulations

CHAPTER ONE:General Rules



1.1.1 Only sled dogs according to F.C.I. are permitted to race.

Such breeds are: Alaskan Malamutes, Greenland Dogs, Samoyeds and Siberian Husky.

1.1.2 It will be raced in two categories:

Category 1: All sled dog breeds

Category 2: Alaskan Malamute, Samoyed and Greenland Dog only

1.1.3 The dog which enters the sprint race should reach the minimum age of 15 months in the same month of the first day of the World Championship/European Championship and 18 months for Distance races. When the dog is by age allowed to race at the Word championship/European Championship it is also allowed to start in competition as of the first of Januaryof that year. Before starting the young dog must be checked by the veterinarian of the race.



1.2.1 The driver starting a team in the first heat of a race shall drive that team throughout the race.

1.2.2. All dogs shall be hitched within the team at the start of each heat.

1.2.3. Any team, driver or dog disqualified in any heat of, or at any point in the race is not

eligible to compete in the remainder of the race.

1.2.4. Any driver, team or dog coming to the starting line which, in the opinion of the race

marshal, is unfit or incapable of safely completing the trail, shall not be allowed to start.

1.2.5. Any team or dog not starting a heat of a race shall not be eligible to compete in the

remainder of the race.

1.2.6. A team shall not be eligible to compete in subsequent heats if its total elapsed time

exceeds the time disqualification factor established for the event.



1.3.1 After the start of the first heat, no dogs may be added to the team.

1.3.2 After the first heat and each ensuing heat, a driver may voluntarily reduce the size of the team, subject to class minimums.

1.3.3 It is the responsibility of the competitor to adjust the size of his team to his capabilities.

1.3.4 The race marshal may reduce the size of any team that he determines is too large for the

designated driver.

1.3.5 The race marshal may limit the maximum number of dogs in any given class.



In all competitions held under these rules, the WSA Anti-Doping rules, WSA List

of forbidden substances and methods, and WSA Procedural guidelines for doping

control shall apply.



1.5.1 Drivers, teams and equipment shall be available for inspection in the vehicle holding

area, in sprint races at least ten (10) minutes and in distance races at least one (1)

hour, before their scheduled time of departure.

1.5.2 A team in harness shall not be required to stand for inspection longer than six (6) minutes

before the scheduled time of departure.

1.5.3 A team shall be available for inspection after each heat at the request of the race marshal.

1.5.4 All equipment is subject to the approval of the race marshal.

1.5.5 A muzzle or a collar that can be hooked as a full choke shall be prohibited.

1.5.6 Whips are forbidden.

1.5.7 The driver shall display his starting number on his person throughout the race.



1.6 START.

1.6.1 Assistance in the starting chute shall be allowed.

1.6.2 The brush bow (front end) of the sled shall determine the starting point of the team, and shall not exceed the starting line until the start signal has been given.

1.6.3 The sled shall come to a complete stop at the starting line before a team shall be allowed to

1.6.4 A team that fails to be in the starting position at its scheduled starting time, or within half of the starting interval after the scheduled starting time shall be declared a late-starting team and will receive a time penalty (see 7.9.4.)

1.6.5 A late-starting team shall not be allowed to start until after the last team entered in its class

has started, and after the prescribed starting interval. A late-starting team shall not interfere

with any other team.

1.6.6 If more than one team is declared late, those teams shall start in their originally scheduled

starting order with the prescribed starting intervals.

1.6.7 If a team is late to the starting line for its second scheduled time of departure for any one

heat, that team shall be disqualified.

1.6.8 A team not clearing the starting chute prior to the scheduled start of the next team may be



1.7.1 A team shall have finished the heat when the first dog on the team crosses the finish line.

Teams must stop for inspection behind finish line.

1.7.2 If a loose team crosses the finish line ahead of its driver, that team shall have finished when

the driver reaches the finish line.

1.7.3 In cases of chip timing the position of the transponder will be defined prior to the race.



1.8.1 A team and driver shall run the full course as established by the race-giving

1.8.2 A team not completing the entire course of a heat shall not be eligible to compete in the

remainder of the race.

1.8.3 If a team leaves the trail, the driver shall return the team to the point at which they left the trail.

1.8.4 Any driver accepting a ride on any vehicle other than his own sled shall be disqualified unless in case of an emergency, loose team or dog.

1.8.5 A driver shall not interfere with a competing team.

1.8.6 Carrying a passenger at any time during the race shall be prohibited unless: Called for in the conditions of the race. Giving a ride to a driver in an emergency situation.

1.8.7 All teams may receive similar assistance of any type from officials stationed at designated

points along the trail as authorized by the race marshal.

1.8.8 Drivers running in the same heat may assist each other in any manner authorized by the race marshal.

1.8.9 Handler or spectator assistance shall be limited to holding the sled, except in the case of a

loose team, or a team so unmanageable as to create a clear and present danger to

themselves, other teams or persons.

1.8.10 No one shall assist a team by willfully pacing it other than the team driver.

1.8.11 Loose teams and dog(s). All drivers must assume that a loose team or dog is an endangered team or dog. A loose team or dog shall not delay or interfere with another team. The driver of the loose team must overtake the loose team by the quickest

means available to ensure the safety of the loose team. In the event that the driver cannot quickly and safely recover his/her

team, the driver must accept assistance, including a ride when available to recover his team. Failure to accept available assistance may result in disqualification of the driver of the loose team. The race marshal shall determine if a driver is to be disqualified. Any Person (s) is (are) encouraged to stop and hold a loose team.

1.8.12 A loose team may resume the trail without penalty provided the team has completed the entire trail and the driver only has received outside assistance limited to stopping ad holding the

loose team or dog.

1.8.13 in a dual start, and whenever two trails join together, the team with the lead dog

farthest ahead shall have the right of way.

1.8.14 when teams are passing in opposite directions on a single trail, the team traveling downhill shall have the right of way. On level terrain, the race marshal shall determine and announce, prior

to the start of the race, whether the incoming or outgoing team shall have the right of way.

1.8.15 When one team intends to pass another, the passing team driver may request the right

of way when the lead dog(s) come(s) within 15 meters of the sled of the overtaken team.

1.8.16 On the command “TRAIL”, the overtaken team shall make way for the passing team by

moving his team to one side of the trail and slow down.

1.8.17 On the command “STOP”, the overtaken team shall make way for the passing team by

moving his team to one side of the trail and then stop.

1.8.18 Once a team has been passed, that team shall not re-pass until: In classes involving more than six dogs after no less then four (4) minutes

or 1600 meters. In classes involving six (6) dogs or less, and in Pulka or Skijoring style, after no less

than two (2) minutes or 800 meters. At any lesser intervals whenever both drivers are in agreement.

1.8.19 If the passing team becomes tangled as a result of the pass, that team’s driver may require the overtaken team driver to stop for no longer than one (1) minute in unlimited and limited 8 dog class, one-half (1/2) minute in all other classes.

1.8.20 A stopped team shall make every effort to clear the trail for moving teams.

The time limit for re-passing does not apply when the overtaking team has stopped for other

reasons than tangling as a result of the pass.

1.8.21 Teams following each other shall maintain an interval of not less than 1 team length,

except when passing or in the finish chute.

1.8.22 In the finish chute, no team shall have the right of way over a finishing team in the

same class.



1.9.1 All drivers shall be responsible for the conduct of their dogs, their designated handlers, and

themselves whenever in the race area or on trail. Common sense and good, fair

sportsmanship shall prevail.

1.9.2 If the race marshal determines that driver, handler or team conduct at any time in the

race area or on trail is detrimental to the sport/race, that team shall be disqualified.

1.9.3 Abuse of dogs, with or without an implement, shall be prohibited. If a driver, in the

opinion of the race marshal, abuses a dog, that driver shall be disqualified.



1.10.1 Race officials shall report over rules violations to the race marshal immediately or

directly following the heat in which the violation occurred.

1.10.2 Drivers wishing to report an alleged violation of the rules by another contestant shall notify the race marshal immediately following the heat of his category in which the incident occurred.

1.10.3 Verbal reports by drivers shall be followed with a written report, given to the race marshal

within one (1) hour of the completion of the participant’s heat in which the alleged violation

1.10.4 Any driver or race official implicated in a report of an alleged violation of the rules may make a protest and request a hearing before the race marshal.



1.11.1 For violation of any WSA regulation, the race marshal shall either issue a reprimand, a

warning, or disqualify the driver and team from the race. No other disciplinary action shall be

imposed, unless specifically defined in the Race rule or in the Implementing rules.

1.11.2 Decisions shall be announced as promptly as practical but no later than two hours

prior to the start of any ensuing heat(s).

1.11.3 Any disciplinary action following the final heat of any race shall be acted upon prior to the

awards ceremony.

1.11.4 The decision of the race marshal is final.



Special Rules for Nome Style



2.1.1 An unlimited team (UL-class) shall consist of not less than 8 dogs, with a

minimum of 9 dogs in the first run. The musher must be at least 18 years of age.

2.1.2 A limited 8 dog class team (8-dog-class) shall consist of 6 to 8 dogs, with a minimum of 7 dogs in the first heat. The musher must be at least 18 years of age.

2.1.3 A limited 6 dog class team (6-dog-class) shall consist of 4 to 6 dogs, with a minimum of 5 dogs in the first heat. The musher must be at least 16 years of age.

2.1.4 A limited 4 dog class team (4-dog-class) shall consist of 3 to 4 dogs. The musher must be at least 16 years of age.

2.1.5 A limited 2 dog class team (2-dog-class) shall consist of the same 2 dogs at all heats. The musher must be at least 16 years of age.

2.1.6 A musher at the age of at least 12 years and not older than 15 years shall be considered as

“JUNIOR”. It is assumed that the junior has the explicit permission to from either the parents

or the custodian to participate in the event and that an adequate personal insurance coverage

is available. Junior mushers will be marked (J) in the final results. Junior classes are 2-dog-class and Skijoring. Junior classes must run over the 2-dog-trail

2.1.7 The classification is based on the actual age of the musher on the first day of the championship.





2.2.1 All dogs shall be harnessed in single or double file.

2.2.2 All dogs shall be fastened to the tug line by a neck line and a tail line. Lead dogs may run with a neck line.

2.2.3 A safety line must be attached to the sled but shall not be used in any manner than to tie down and hold the sled.

2.2.4 A sled shall be capable of adequately carrying the driver, standing on the runners and have a basket of minimum surface of 40x50 cm, with a solid bottom capable of safely carrying a dog.

All sleds in all classes shall be equipped with an adequate brake, brake pad, brushbow, one(1) snowhook for 2-dog and 4-dog-classes is mandatory, two (2) snowhooks are allowed.Two (2) snowhooks for 6-, 8- and UL-class are mandatory. All sleds shall be equipped with a dog bag. The dog bag must be of adequate size to carry the largest dog in the team and should be ventilated with holes or a net of a minimum surface of 600 cm².

So called Swedish- or Firefighter shackles with sharp edges/locking teeth are not permitted at

any point in the harness or equipment as well as the stake out equipment. This is for animal

welfare reasons.

2.2.5. A driver racing 7 or more dogs must carry a cutting device, capable of cutting the tow line of the team


2.3.1 A driver may ride the sled, pedal or run as wished. Under no circumstances is it permitted

for the driver or the handlers to run in front of the team.

2.3.2 All dogs starting the heat shall complete the entire course, either hitched in the team or carried on the sled.

2.3.3 On the trail, dogs shall be carried in the dog bag when taken out of the team.



Special Rules for Pulka Style (SW/SM)



3.1.1 The competition will be held in one class with one (1) to four (4) dogs.

3.1.2 The class will race in two categories:

Category 1: all four sled dog breeds

Category 2: Alaskan Malamute, Samoyed, and Greenland dogs only

3.1.3 The class will be divided by men and women whenever there are at least 5 starters in each

group. Men and women may run in one category if there are fewer than 5 starters in any

individual class.

3.1.4 The minimum age of the musher is 16 years.



3.2.1 All entrants shall be responsible for seeing to it that their equipment meets the

requirements of these rules.

3.2.2 Dogs shall preferably be harnessed in single file. Harnessing in double file with a central shaft may be allowed if the trail profile presents no risk to the dogs under such harnessing. Double file harnessing requires a brake on the pulka.

3.2.3 The pulka shall be: Connected with two solid shafts to the harness(es) when driving in single file and

connected with one solid shaft in the middle to the harness(es) when driving in double files. It

is enough if the shafts go to the wheel dog(s) so it is not possible for the sled to overrun a

harnessed dog. So constructed that the front of ski runners are between the shafts; Equipped with the possibility of fastening the required load securely; Equipped with a line, which in general shall be attached to the driver by a hip belt (at

least 7cm wide over the spine). The belt shall be equipped with a hook in order to make it easy

to release the line, or a quick release connection (panic snap). It is prohibited to have any form

of metal hook or ring on the free end of the line. [In general this means: Pulka dog(s) may run

loose only in case of down hill slopes or any situation actually endangering the dog(s)].

3.2.4 Pulkas of teams with more than two (2) dogs shall be equipped with a brake.

3.2.5 The total load to be carried shall be:

  • 10 Kg for one (1) dog;
  • 20 Kg for two (2) dogs
  • 30 Kg for three (3) dogs
  • and 40Kg for 4 dogs.

3.2.6 The total weight shall be reduced by 3Kg for each female in the team.

3.2.7 The load consists of: pulka, shafts, harness(es), lines and the additional weight.

3.2.8 The additional weight shall be furnished by the participant himself.

3.2.9 Extra ski pole(s) may be carried. Extra pole(s) will become part of the total weight.



3.3.1 The driver shall follow his team on skis. Standing, sitting or otherwise riding on the pulka is

not permitted.

3.3.2 If a dog becomes unfit, the driver is not permitted to finish the heat and must abandon the

3.3.3 The driver shall not pace the dog(s) by running ahead of them. Assisting the dog or

team by pushing or pulling the pulka is permitted.

3.3.4 Assistance in watering or feeding the dogs is permitted. Forced watering or feeding shall not

be allowed. The race marshal may designate specific spots on the trail where such help

may be given.

3.3.5 The pulka’s front or the tip of pulka skis must be behind the starting line, until the starting

signal is given.

3.3.6 Pulka class shall compete on the 6-dog-class trail.



Special Rules for Skijoring (SJW/SJM)



4.1.1 The competition shall only be held in a one (1) dog class (SJ1), and the class will race in two


Category 1: all four sled dog breeds

Category 2: Alaskan Malamute, Samoyed, and Greenland dogs only

4.1.2 The class will be divided up into men and women, whenever there are at least 5 starters in

each group.

4.1.3 In case there are not at least 5 starters in either Men or Women category the race marshal

may decide to have the Skijoring Men starting in the same class with the Pulka Men. The

same applies for the Women classes. If there are still fewer than 5 starters in either Men or

Women class, both, Men and Women will be combined to race in the same class.

4.1.4 The minimum age of the musher 16 years.

4.1.5 Separate classes for drivers aged 12-15 years may be offered on the 2 dog-trail. A musher

at the age of at least 12 years and not older than 15 years shall be considered as

“JUNIOR”. It is assumed that the Junior has the explicit permission to from either the

parents or the custodian to participate in the event and that an adequate personal

insurance coverage is available. Junior mushers will be marked (J) in the final results.

4.1.6 The classification is based on the actual age of the musher on the first day of the championship.




4.2.1 The dogs harness shall not allow the dog to escape.

4.2.2 The dog shall be attached to the driver by a snub line with shock absorber at all times. It is prohibited to have any form of metal hook or ring at the end of the line.

4.2.3 The skis shall not be dangerous for the dog, e.g. sharp tips are not allowed.



4.3.1 The front end of the skis shall determine the starting point of the team.



4.4.1 The driver shall follow the dog on skis.

4.4.2 If the dog becomes unfit, the driver is not permitted to finish the heat and has to abandon the race.

4.4.3 The driver shall not pace the dog by running ahead.

4.4.4 Skijoring class shall compete on the 6-dog-clas trail.



Special Rules for Distance Races

Participants shall attend the participants' meeting held prior to the start of the race in order to qualify to compete in the race.

  1. 1 CLASSES.

5.1.1 The distance race will be done in the following classes:

DS: Pulka class, one (1) to four (4) dogs or/and Skijöring 1-2 dogs

Minimum age of driver 16 years.

The class will be divided by men and women whenever there are at least five (5)

starters in each group.

D limited (DL): Three (3) to six (6) dogs, minimum age of the driver 16 years

D unlimited (DU): Seven (7) dogs and more, minimum age of the driver 18 years

5.1.2 The class DS will race in one categorie/ the classes DL/DU will race in two categories

Category 1: All four sled dog breeds

Category 2: Alaskan Malamute, Samoyed and Greenland Dog only



5.2.1 All harnesses shall be padded around the neck and chest area.

5.2.2 The type of sled used is at the option of the participant but subject to the approval of the race marshal.

5.2.3 Pulka weights are identical to the sprint class.

5.2.4 The emergency equipment is mandatory and consists of:

- First aid kit for dog and human

- Knife or other cutting tool,

- One (1) set of booties for each dog in the team,

- Spare equipment, minimum 2 each: harnesses, leaches, collars, neck lines, ski poles*,

extra ski*, *(DS only)

5.2.6 The race marshal may extend the list of emergency equipment. Such extension must be

announced early prior the first heat, to allow every driver to complete his equipment. If the trail

requires extra equipment, such as braking chain, compass, headlamp, water, dog food, stake-out

or else, it has to be listed in the official announcement of the event

5.2.7 The racing number shall be displayed as decided by the race marshal.

5.2.8 Exclusive sprintsledges are not allowed in MD and D1)




5.3.1 If a team leaves the trail, the participant shall return the team to the point at which he left the trail or, if that is not practical and without shortening the course or eliminating any checkpoints, the participant may proceed to the next checkpoint.

5.3.2 A participant may accept outside hospitality along the trail, as offered to all participants, but shall be solely responsible for the care of his team dogs.

5.3.3 No participant shall accept outside help in the process of caring for his dogs' daily maintenance needs unless authorized by the race marshal and available to all participants in the race.

5.3.4 A disqualified or withdrawn participant shall give the right of way to all teams on the trail remaining in competition.

5.3.5 Disqualified participants, and participants voluntarily withdrawing from the race, shall proceed to the next or nearest trail official and report to the official in charge.

5.3.6 In the case of a participant being incapacitated on the trail and unable to proceed, rules related to emergency situations shall apply.

5.3.7 No litter shall be left on or near the trail.

5.3.8 Team and equipment inspections may be conducted at checkpoints on the trail.



5.4.1 A team shall be available for inspection(s) at the request of all authorized officials.

5.4.2 A team in harness shall not be required to stand for inspection longer than six (6) minutes.

5.4.3 Trail checkpoint inspections shall not unnecessarily delay the progress of a team.

5.4.4 Unfit dogs shall be dropped at designated dog drop checkpoints only or transported on the sled to the finish. The team stays in the race if the minimum team size is still assured.

5.4.5 Dropped dogs shall, at the option of the race-giving organization, be tagged with: Participant's name and racing number. Destination of where the dog is to be transported. Reason for dropping the dog.

5.4.6 A dropped dog shall be fastened by a chain or cable to hold it in place until it is picked up by an authorized person.

5.4.7 Dropped dogs shall be disqualified to compete in the remainder of the race.

5.4.8 The race marshal or race veterinarian may detain a participant for the purpose of repairing or replacing equipment which is deemed detrimental to the safety and well-being of team and/or The race marshal or race veterinarian may detain a team which is deemed in need of rest.

5.4.9 The race marshal or race veterinarian may remove a team or dog(s) from the race which is

deemed unfit to continue the race.

5.4.10 If the race marshal feels that there may be grounds for disqualification, he shall notify the

participant and the next trail official. The participant may proceed on the trail and shall be subject

to a hearing following the completion of his race. In the event of a participant arriving at a

trail official with less than the minimum number of dogs in harness, the race marshal or the race

veterinarian may allow or disallow that team to proceed.



All time involved on the trail shall constitute trail time including but not limited to meal and rest

stops, stops mandated by weather conditions, lost time on wrong trails, etc.



5.6.1 A race giving organization may decide to start the slower teams on the second and/or following heat(s) before the faster teams, e.g. reverse to the results of the previous heat.

5.6.2 A race-giving organization may impose additional rules to meet requirements unique to local

conditions. Those rules shall be part of the race announcement. Additional rules shall be

announced in advance.



Special rules for stage-races


  1. 1 GENERAL
  2. 1.1 All mushers have to take part in all musher meetings scheduled by the race Marshall. These

meetings may be held before the start of the race itself and before the beginning of each

stage. In case of a musher not taking part in one (1) of the scheduled meetings, the musher

may by disqualified.

  1. 1.2 All mushers must be 18 years of age by 1st of January of the year of the beginning of the race
  2. 1.3 All dogs must be identified by microchip.


  1. 2 CLASSES
  2. 2.1 Stage races are separated in the following classes.
  • L-Pulka 1-3 dogs
  • L1 Pool of 5 dogs, minimum team size is 3, maximum team size is 4 dogs
  • L2 Pool of 7 dogs, minimum team size is 5, maximum team size is 6 dogs
  • LO Pool of 14 dogs, minimum team size is 8, maximum team size is 12 dogs

The number of dogs in class LO at the beginning of each stage can be reduced by the race marshal.

  1. 2.2 There is no division into Siberian Huskies, Alaskan Malamute, Samoyed and Greenland Dog. All sled dogs according to F.C.I. (Siberian Huskies, Alaskan Malamute, Samoyed and

Greenland Dog) run in the same class.

  1. 2.3 Dogs can rest outside the team during stages and can be brought into the team to anytime.

The minimum size of the team has to be reached. The minimum size of the team depends on

the class the team starts in. The musher has to inform the race marshal in an active way

about any exchange of dogs or any change of the size of the team or drop of any dog of his

pool. The chip list has to be given to the race judge together with the announcement of start.

The race judge is allowed to accept changes in the chip list in case of special case.



6.3.1 In L-Pulka the minimum loads of the pulka will be:

  • 10 kg with one dog
  • 20 kg with two dogs
  • 30 kg with three dogs.

The minimum load of the pulka is reduced by 3 kg per each female in the team.

  1. 3.2 The minimum load of the sled classes will be:
  • L1 -7 kg per each dog in the team
  • L2 -6 kg per each dog in the team
  • LO -5 kg per each dog in the team

The maximum weight per sled is 50kg. The weight of the sled is calculated by the number of

dogs at the beginning of the stage in question.

  1. 3.3 The race judge is allowed to adjust the load of pulka and the load of the sleds for each stage to the weather and snow conditions in place and time.
  2. 3.4 The load consists of:
  3. 3.4.1 L-Pulka: the pulka itself, shaft, lines, harnesses, extra ski, extra ski poles, emergency

equipment for man and dog, additional weight

  1. 3.4.2 L1, L2 and LO: Sled, lines, safety equipment for man and dog, additional weight.
  2. 3.5 The load contains any equipment for bivouac. If the maximum weight is reached, equipment

for bivouac can be transported to the bivouac by the organiser of the competition. In this case

the equipment can be reduced to the minimum and be controlled by the race judgement.

6.3.6 On the trail it is obligatory for the musher to have the complete safety equipment for man and dog with him. The list of the emergency equipment is shown in chapter §5.2.5 of the Distance

race rules. It is completed by an insulation blanket for humans, a minimum of 0.5 litres of

water per each dog, and one bowl for feeding. Chapter §5.2.5 will be in use, also.

6.3.7 The number must be shown clearly on the body. In other cases the musher can be sanctioned by the race judgement.

6.3.8 Chapters §5.3, §5.4, § 5.5 und § 5.6 of the distance race rules will be in use, also. In addition to § 5.6 of the distance race rules the race judge is allowed to disqualify any teams which are extremely slow. Extremely slow means in this case, that the team needs more then 150% of

the average time of the fastest 3 teams per heat and class.

  1. 3.9 Additional Rules

Beside the abovementioned special rules, the general race rules of the WSA shall apply.


Implementing Rules




7.1.1 These rules shall apply in all races governed by WSA Race regulations, in order to foster the use of uniform rules and race procedures and facilitate races of superior conditions and uniform quality. Only options and amendments approved of by the WSA shall be allowed.

7.1.2 The definitions and descriptions in these rules shall also apply for other WSA regulations, when appropriate.

7.1.3 Likewise, in these regulations and other WSA regulations, where appropriate, the word

"Participant", "Participant", "Participant", etc. shall include "The participant and/or his dog(s)", the

masculine shall include the feminine and the singular shall include the plural.

7.1.4 A national member, for the purpose of these rules, is any regular national member association as well as any associated national member association.

7.1.5 An individual member, for the purpose of these rules, is any regular or associated individual

member of the WSA.



7.2.1 Organization: The race-giving organization in charge of running the event.

7.2.2 Technical Organizer: A body which, upon an agreement with the race- giving organization, has assumed responsibility for the implementation for the technical aspects, or parts of same, of an event.

7.2.3 Event: A meeting of participants for the purpose of competing in one event which may involve several classes.

7.2.4 Race: A competition in a specified class and may be comprised of one or more heats.

7.2.5 Heat: A completion of the trail once.

7.2.6 Race Area: All designated parking areas, spectator areas, team holding areas, start/finish chutes, officiating areas and the trail areas.

7.2.7 Vehicle Holding Area: A specially defined area, pre-start and/or after finish, where the

participants' vehicles shall be parked.

7.2.8 Stake Out Area: A specially defined area where dogs of participating teams shall be kept when not competing.

7.2.9 Official: A person appointed by the organizer or the rules enforcing officer, authorized to perform, within prescribed limits, to act on their behalf.

7.2.10 Starting Chute: A specified stretch of the trail from the starting line, minimum 30 meters, where assistance is allowed.

7.2.11 Finish Chute: A specified stretch of the trail toward the finish line, minimum 800 meters, where special rules for passing apply.

7.2.12 Sled: Also includes a pulka for the purpose of all race regulations, when appropriate.

7.2.13 Contestant: A person who drives a dog team entered in the race may also be called participant, competitor, driver or musher.

7.2.14 Handler: A person appointed by the organizer or the participant himself, assisting teams at start, after finish and at checkpoints.

7.2.15 Shall: Shall be construed as being imperative.

7.2.16 Should: Shall be construed as being principally imperative, but special circumstances may speak for departing from it.

7.2.17 May: Shall be construed as being permissive.

7.2.18 Emergency: All situations, which actually endanger private property, or overall safety/health of dogs and/or humans. It includes run-a-way teams and dogs; physical collapse of human or animal, any accident requiring consultation of doctor or veterinarian.



7.3.1 The appointment of a technical organizer does not give the race-giving organization the right to disclaim responsibility for any parts of the event.

7.3.2 The race-giving organization shall be responsible for an adequate number of officials in order to run the event properly.

7.3.3 Officials shall be appointed and exercise their assignments according to the WSA regulations.

7.3.4 Organizations shall see to it that their appointed officials are made familiar with their assignments and the regulations pertaining to the event.

7.3.5 If the organizer is not the national WSA member of the country in which the race is held, the

organizer shall apply for approval from the said member federation.



7.4.1 Rules enforcing officers shall be appointed and exercise their assignments according to the WSA regulations.

7.4.2 The race marshal (Chief Judge) and the race judges shall be WSA / WSA certified.

7.4.3 The race marshal shall have supreme authority at an event. He is the only official who can decide upon a disqualification. The race marshal may not be a participant.

7.4.4 A race judge shall have full rules enforcement authority, except for a disqualification, but shall have no authority for a class in which he himself is a participant, and shall not take part in the jury's deliberations on reports or incidents concerning same.

References to the race marshal in WSA Regulations also apply for the race judge(s), when appropriate.

7.4.5 A race judge may delegate parts of his authority to designated officials, except for the

authority to impose penal measures.


  2. 5. 1 ENTRIES The race shall be open to entries as per race announcement and in reference to annex 1

starter schedule (as per WSA GA decision) of this race rule, except those refused by the racegiving organization for just cause. The participant needs to be informed on the reason for nonacceptance. An entry for a race shall be submitted prior to the start of the race, subject to entry deadlines as determined by the race-giving organization.


  1. 5.2 DOGS. Dogs may be required to undergo a physical examination prior to the start of the race

by a race veterinarian, in order to be allowed to start. The race marshal may disallow entry of any participant, team or dog for just cause; the

participant needs to be informed on the reason for non-acceptance or disqualification.


  1. 5.3 DISEASE. No dog or equipment shall be brought from a kennel where rabies, distemper,

hepatitis, leptospirosis, or any other contagious disease exists. If the race veterinarian diagnoses any dog present in the race area to have a contagious

disease, that team shall be disqualified and shall immediately leave the race area. All dogs brought to the race area shall be vaccinated against Rabies, Distemper,

Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parvovirus and Kennel cough. Certificates must be presented upon



In a race of more than one heat, each dog shall be identified prior to the start of the first heat of

the race. Microchips are mandatory, only if not readable or otherwise identifiable will another

method of dog identification or marking be permitted.



The starting intervals should be One (1) or two (2) minutes in limited classes involving eight dogs or less as well as

Pulka and Skijoring class. At the World Championship / European Championship the starting intervals must be at least one (1) minute for Pulka, Skijoring, 2-dog- and 4-dog-class and two (2) minutes for 6-,8- and UL-classes. Two (2) or three (3) minutes in classes involving ten dogs or more.

Trail time for all teams shall begin at the originally scheduled time of departure, except for a late

starting team for which trail time begins at the same time of actual departure; however, the team

will be penalized with 15 minutes extra racing for late starting.


  1. 6.3 STARTING ORDER. starting positions for the first heat of a race shall be determined by drawing held prior

to the race at a time and place designated by the race-giving organization. The order of the drawing shall not be changed, either by addition or substitution. Late

entries, if accepted by the race giving organization, shall be added in order of receipt. Every participating organization is permitted to identify one (1) or a maximum of 20% of

their starters in that class as seeded. Those mushers of all national teams identified as seeded

will be drawn for the first starting positions in the particular class. All other mushers and guests of

the WSA are drawn thereafter. This procedure will hold true for all classes. In distance events, the order of the drawing shall be based on the date of receipt of each

participant's entry fee and completed entry form and shall not be changed, either by addition or Entries received on the same date shall be treated alphabetically. In single start races, the first day's starting positions shall be determined by the draw with

number 1 starting first, number 2 starting second, etc. After the first heat, the starting positions shall be determined by the total elapsed time of

the previous heat(s), with the fastest teams starting first, the second fastest team starting second,

etc. Any alteration in this sequence will not be permitted; except for late start procedures see

1.6.5 and 7.9.4. An option of the race giving organization is, to start in the opposite sequence, with

the slowest teams of the previous heat(s) first and the fastest team last. It is not allowed to implement this rule during a World Championship / European Championship. At the option of the race-giving organization, the starting intervals of the last day of a race

may be identical to the differences of the total elapsed times of the participants, so that the order

in which the participants are crossing the finish line also will reflect their finishing positions. The

maximum time interval shall be 2 minutes and all lower intervals shall be in rounded seconds. It is not allowed to implement this rule during a World Championship / European Championship. In dual start races, the first day's starting positions shall be determined by the draw with

numbers 1 and 2 starting together first, numbers 3 and 4 starting together second, etc. It is not allowed to implement this rule during a World Championship / European Championship. If the total elapsed time of two teams is identical, the order of start for those teams

shall be the reverse order in which they started in the preceding heat.


  1. 7 RANKING

A class is rated for WSA Championships separately only if there are at least five (5) teams

starting in the first heat of that class. Exception: Where Junior participation is allowed, the

rating will be as provided for in the Special Rules.

In individual cases and depending on circumstances the Race Marshal is permitted to start and

judge a category if there are less than 5 starters. Such exceptions require the prior approval of a

WSA board member.



The time disqualification shall be effective if a team’s performance is more than 150 %

for sprint and 200% for distance of the fastest three (3) running time per heat and class. This also goes for Juniors. Every team will be compared with their own original class. At a World Championship / European Championship no exceptions are allowed. 2) 3)



7.9.1 The team with the fastest total time of its class shall be declared the winner of that class.

7.9.2 Teams with equal times for the entire race shall be awarded the higher finishing position. (The next finishing position remains vacant)

7.9.3 In the result list all participants entered should be listed with their final position and time. This includes also NF/DS/LS marked teams. Participants not starting a heat for other reason than disqualification should be listed

with: not at start (NAS or NS). Participants not finishing a heat for other reasons than disqualification should be listed

with: not in finish (NIF or NF). Participants who are disqualified (separate from the reasons above) should be listed

with: disqualified (DIS or DS). Participants declared to be a late starting team with the applicable time penalty, should

be listed with: late starting team (LST or LS).



7.10.1 In international championship events, each participant shall normally be entered in the race as a member of a national team. A team leader appointed by the national federation shall be in charge of the team. Individual starters not belonging to a national team will represent

themselves individually.

7.10.2 At the option of the race organizer, the same may apply for other events, also on a club level, as appropriate.

7.10.3 The team leader shall act as a liaison between the race organizer and the team members.

7.10.4 A team leader shall, immediately upon arrival at the race site, report to the race organizer

and inform of his presence and where he is accommodated during the race.

7.10.5 Any communications from the race organizer to any participant shall be construed as being received by the addressee when given to the team leader.


  1. 11 THE TRAIL
  2. 11.1 TRAIL REQUIREMENTS. The trail shall be safe for dogs and participants. When making the trail, special

attention shall be shown on turns and downhill stretches. The entire trail shall be

constructed with consideration to the fastest and biggest teams expected to participate. The trail should not be crossing itself. Neither should it be constructed so that the

teams will have to follow the same trail, wholly or even partly - regardless of direction,

and, if unavoidable, shall be limited to one time and one time only in any given

heat. The turning point shall be outside of the start-finish area. Trails shall, to the optional extent possible, be broadly constructed to facilitate There should be sufficient space between the lanes so that teams are unable to distract

each other. Trails should be shielded from parking-lots and parked cars. Trails should not cross a traffic-laden road on the same level. However, if this can

not be avoided, there shall be a prior permission to block off the road during the

competition. Dependable control shall be on hand. The starting chute shall be at least 30 meters long and be so arranged that a team

can be entirely removed from the trail. The finish chute shall be at least 800 meters long, wide enough for passing and with

no sharp turns. The starting and finish lines shall be clearly defined. Trails for Pulka style may, whenever possible, be different from that of Nome style. Pulka trails should be laid out with special attention so that the trail also shall be a

test of the participant's skiing skills.


  1. 11.2 TRAIL DISTANCES. Sprint Races. Heat distances need not be identical each day of an event, but the shortest

trails shall be run first, unless a trail is shortened to accommodate weather conditions.

Subsequent days' heat distances shall not exceed one hundred and fifty (150) % of the

first day's trail length. Trail Distances per heat:

_ Unlimited class: more than 18 km

_ Eight dog class: 16 km to 19 km

_ Six dog classes: 10 km to 15 km

_ Four dog classes: 7km to 10km

_ Two dog classes: 5 km to 6 km

_ Pulka & Skijoring: to the trail distance of the 6-dog-class. The Race Marshal must offer a trail comprising of the requested length. If

special circumstances dictate that the length of the trail be decreased, the decrease

shall never be more than 25 % in any class, to be judged for a Championship race. Distance Races. Distances are for all classes identical. The distance shall be at least 40 km (MD). The distance must be advertised with the race announcement. The

variation of the actual trail length shall not exceed +/- 10 %. In case variation (special circumstances) greater than 25 %, the class may not qualify as a

Championship event.


  2. 12.1 GENERAL The trail shall be marked with a sufficient number of clearly visible markers, so

placed that there will be no doubt for the participant where to go. Trail markers should be of round, square or triangular shape; at least 33cm in

diameter or length per side. Only one side of the sign shall be coloured to indicate the proper direction of travel. Trail markers shall be placed about one (1) meter beyond the edge of the trail, and

from 60 to 120 cm above the surface of the trail. All markers shall be visible as far ahead as possible and at least 50 m. Markers applicable for a certain class or certain classes only, shall be marked with

the class(es)' identification (UL, 8,6 (=SM/SW/SJM/SJW),4,2 and MD (Middle Distance) by numbers in the centre of the marker. Information on elapsed distance shall be indicated by a black number on a white

sign directly above a blue marker on the same stake. This is optional. Information on remaining distance shall be indicated by a black negative number on

a white sign directly below a blue marker on the same stake. This is optional. Markers shall not be so placed, or made of such a material, that they might

constitute a danger for dogs or participants.


  1. 12.2 RED MARKERS preferably ROUND (Turn markers). Red Markers shall be used at all intersections and crossings involving turns. The

markers shall be placed about 20 meters ahead of the point in question at the same

side of the trail as to which the teams shall turn. The same procedure shall also be applied for all blind turns on the trail.


  1. 12.3 BLUE MARKERS preferably SQUARE (Straight on or correct trail). Blue markers may be placed on either side of the trail. Blue markers used to indicate the correct trail after a crossing or turn, see below,

shall be placed about 20 m beyond, and should be visible when approaching, the

point in question. Blue markers shall be used At intersections or crossings when the trail is going straight through. The

sign shall be placed about 20 meters ahead of the intersection. Beyond turns, which apply only to a certain class, or certain classes.

Such blue markers shall have the same class identification as the red

turn marker. Blue markers should be used beyond all intersections, turns or blind corners, which

are marked with a red marker.


  1. 12.4 YELLOW MARKERS preferably TRIANGULAR (Caution). Yellow markers may be placed on either side of the trail. Yellow markers indicate

portions of the trail, where slow, cautious passage is recommended, e.g. steep

downhill, really sharp turns, icy spots. Yellow markers are placed about 20 meters

ahead of the caution area. If the caution area covers a length of the trail, two yellow markers shall be placed on

the same stake at the beginning of the caution area. The end of the caution area shall

be indicated with one yellow marker with a diagonal red or black cross. All yellow markers shall be presented and explained at the participants' meeting and

they shall be indicated on the trail map. Three (3) Yellow markers on one (1) pole indicate a dangerous section of the trail and

a no passing zone. End of dangerous section and no passing zone is indicated by a crossed yellow sign

on each side of the trail.



Checkpoints shall be indicated with rectangular white signs with black letters.



7.14.1 The end of the "Starting chute" shall be indicated by markers with a white cross on both sides

of the trail.

7.14.2 A marker shall be placed at the start of the "Finish chute" showing the distance to finish

line, e.g. 800 m.

7.14.3 Portions of the trail, where the correct trail is not clearly visible, may be marked with additional

markings. Such additional marking shall never be considered a replacement for ordinary

marking according to these rules.



7.15.1 At trail crossings considered so difficult, that even good teams may have problems, blocking

should be used in addition to marking.

7. 15.2 Blocking shall appear as a physical hindrance for the dogs, but shall not constitute any danger

for dogs, participants or equipment.

7.15.3 At trail crossings where different classes shall follow different trails, there shall be a trail

steward, performing the necessary changes of the blocking after each class, and as necessary

directing/assisting teams to the correct trail.

7.15.4 The presence of a blocking or a trail steward does not entail that ordinary marking may be



Guide lines for Rule Enforcing Officers


  1. 1 GENERAL.

8.1.1 The penal measure for any violation of the WSA Race rules shall either be a reprimand, a

warning or disqualification. No other disciplinary action shall be imposed unless specifically

defined in the rules.

8.1.2 No rules enforcing officer may decide not to impose any penal action, if it is found evident

that a rules violation has taken place.

8.1.3 The violator shall be given a short written notice. A reprimand may be verbal.

8.1.4 Warnings, disqualifications and possible time penalty (late starting teams) shall be issued in

the result list, which shall also mention the abbreviations as per Rule if applicable.

8.1.5 All disciplinary actions shall be mentioned in the race marshal's report, with reference to the

violated provision.



8.2.1 A warning should be issued for minor breaches of the regulations, either If it does not give the violator an advantage or his opponents a corresponding disadvantage, or If it is neither harmful nor detrimental to the sport.

8.2.2 For minor offenses without any consequences for any other participants and if it is the competitor’s first minor infraction, a (verbal) reprimand may be issued.



8.3.1 A disqualification shall be imposed: If a participant refuses samples to be taken during a doping test, or submits samples

from other than himself or the dog(s) chosen for testing, see WSA Anti-Doping Rules. If a team is late for its second scheduled time of departure, Race rules 1.6.7. If a participant accepts a ride during the race on any vehicle other than his own sled,

unless in case of an emergency, see also, Race rules 1.8.4. If the race marshal determines that participant, handler or team conduct at any time in

the race area or on the trail is detrimental to the sport, Race rules 1.9.2. If a participant abuses a dog, Race rules 1.9.3. When a race veterinarian diagnoses a dog to have a contagious disease,

Implementing rules 7.5.3.

In these cases the race marshal has no choice, he shall disqualify.

8.3.2 The race marshal should also disqualify If the participant intentionally, or by gross negligence, has violated the Race

regulations, and this has given him an advantage, or his participants a disadvantage

(see 8.4.1), In case of a recurrence, when the participant has already been given a warning for the

same offence, In case of repeated offences, which clearly shows that the participants is not capable

of, or willing to, pay heed to the race regulations.


  1. 4 DOPING.

With the exception of above, no decision upon the question of doping, or disciplinary

reactions, shall be taken during the event, but the case reported to the WSA Board.



8.5.1 When a team starts too early according to its scheduled time of departure, and the participant himself has not initiated this, neither by negligence nor intention, that team's starting time shall be adjusted accordingly.

8.5.2 When a participant, team or dog, in the opinion of the race marshal, is unfit to safely complete the trail, that participant, team or dog shall not be allowed to start, Race rules 1.2.4.

8.5.3 If a time disqualification rule applies, and the prescribed limit is exceeded, that team shall not be allowed to compete in subsequent heats, Race rules 1.2.6.



In 2011, the WSA General Assembly modified the anti-doping regulations to make them more practical and to meet the needs of the pure breed sled dog sport. As part of the revised rules a medication request form was introduced giving athletes the opportunity of veterinary treatment without committing a violation of the anti-doping rules. The revised WSA Anti-Doping Rules 2.0/2011 are in accordance with the WADA rules. (09/03/2011)

These regulations and the List of Prohibited Substances for Dogs will be made available on the WSA website.

The List of Prohibited Substances and the sample taking procedures for human athletes are available from the WADA website:

National federations are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with the anti-doping rules and procedures provided herein and on the WADA website.



10.1 WSA International Championships shall be held in references to the listed modalities.

10.1.1 There shall be a WSA World Championship every 2 Years, whereas a WSA European

Championship shall be held in the Years without a World Championship.

10.1.2 Championship races shall be held on three successive days.

10.1.3 If time and location permit the Sprint and Distance event should be held at the same time and

location, at which the following course of events is aimed:

Thursday: Prologue distance (half distance) and opening ceremony

Friday: Sprint and distance all classes

Saturday: Sprint and distance all classes, musher evening

Sunday: Sprint all classes and winners celebration sprint/distance



Notes: All changes/cancellations shall become effective as of September 22, 2014.


1) 5.2.8 (par example Hornet, Spyder or identical sledges)

2) 7.8 (exception musher with recognized handicap - guidelines paralympics)

3) 7.8 (The time limit does not apply in cases of approved assistance.)


Hits: 24612
  Arno Steichler
Criminal investigation departmant
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  Laurent Berge
Airforce Pilot

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  Manuela Petutschnig

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  Cindy van den Brink
Administrative Assistentin

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  Director Sport
  Jacek Wlodarczyk
Marketing Konsultant

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  Director Sprint
  Christof Diehl

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  Director Middledistance
  Michael Landau
Independently (Bicycle Shop)
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  Director Pulka/Skijöring
  Teunis Bos
Physicist, Physician

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  Director Dryland
  Rolf Münch
Facility Management

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  Dr. Karsten Hesse

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  Direktor Public Relations
  Chris Helm
Web & Medien Designer

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Hits: 34208